Contact Us

Folktronics Co., Limited

Folktronics‘ Customer Service Representatives are available to answer customer inquiries (parts, service, troubleshooting, warranty), and assist in any way possible. Please refer to the appropriate product category listed below for your specific product inquiry.
Address: No.12 building, the third Kehui street, No.99 Science Road, Science City, Guangzhou, China.
Worktime : 09:00-17:30(Beijing time)
Business Phone: 86-20-32096333(Working time)

Contact Form

Ms. Angelina

Job Title: Director
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86 18988922873


Ms. Linda

Job Title: Manager
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86 15322060164


Contact Person: Mr. Joey
Job Title: Administrative Manager
Tel: +86 13119500164
Technical: [email protected]

Service Department

Service Department
Job Title: Service Manager
Email: [email protected]